Most states require a legal entity (ie LLC, LP, corporation, etc.) to have an identified individual (registered agent or resident agent) as its legal representative for receipt of formal documents such as notice of a lawsuit, tax documents and notifications from other government agencies.
Trident Legal provides resident agent services in Massachusetts for $150/year. If you are a resident of Massachusetts, have a street address in Massachusetts, are available from 9am-5pm, and are over the age of 18 you have the option to serve as your own resident agent, or may appoint a qualifying friend or family member.
Many people elect to use a service such as ours to avoid overlooking any vital business documents, ensure 9-5 availability for service, avoid any potentially embarrassing notices of legal proceedings, maintain confidentiality, and have counsel ready and available to respond to any pressing requests.
If you would like Trident Legal to serve as your Resident Agent please complete this contact form and note “resident agent” in the comments. We look forward to serving you.
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2 Hawthorne Place,
Unit 12P Boston,
MA 02114
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