
In an effort to support our small business community we are working to curate important resources during this challenging time.  If you have any additional articles or updates to share please send them to or @TridentLegalLLC on Twitter.  If you have questions we have not addressed please reach out and we will do our best to find you answers.  If you have a specific need or offer please let us know as well.  Stay safe, secure & strong!

Last revised March 30, 2020

  1. Ask the Experts / Detailed Guides
  2. Legal
    • Courts Closed in Massachusetts from March 16-at least April 6, 2020 to the public, except to conduct emergency hearings that cannot be resolved through a videoconference or telephonic hearing.
      • If you have a dispute that requires immediate attention, first if there is a contract check to see if includes reference to alternative dispute resolution options like mediation and arbitration.
    • Contracts and Force Majeure Clause
      • We have many clients inquire into the right, remedies and obligations for with obligations that they are unable to fulfill or expectations of others.  Check your contracts and pay extra attention to termination and force majeure clauses.
  3. Employees
    1. US Department of Labor Pandemic Resources
    2. US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division Resources
    3. Massachusetts Unemployment Insurance + COVID 19 – To assist individuals who cannot work due to the impact of COVID-19, the Administration is filing emergency legislation that will allow new claims to be paid more quickly by waiving the one week waiting period for unemployment benefits.
  4. Financial
    1. SBA Loans
      1. SBA Approves MA Disaster Declaration
      2. SBA Massachusetts Lenders List
    2. Tax Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020
    3. MDR waiver of penalties.
    4. MA to provide $10m relief fund for small business affected by coronavirus.
      1. The recovery loan fund will provide emergency capital of up to $75,000 for businesses with fewer than 50 full-time and part-time employees, and is available for nonprofits.  Loans are immediately available and no payments will be due for the first sixth months.
      2. Business owners can complete applications at and can email applications to with the subject line, “2020 Small Business Recovery Loan Fund.”
    5. Forbes’ Small Business Relief Tracker
  5. Insurance:  It is critical to understand your policies coverage and exclusions.  Now is the time to reach out to your brokers to get a clear picture of what you have and how you may.  Here is a good article outlining different types of coverage like worker’s comp, business policies, and general liability and if they might provide coverage during the crisis.
    1. MA Division of Insurance
  6. Technology
    • Open for Business – this is a list of technology companies providing free and drastically discounted services during the crisis to assist with remote operations for small businesses.
    • Video Conferencing
      1. Zoom
      2. Skype for Business
      3. G Suite Google Hangouts Meet
    • Project Management / Collaboration
      1. Cloudflare – Teams enables remote workers to operate securely and easily.
        1. Cloudflare for Teams free for 6 months for Small Businesses.  You can sign-up here.
      2. Microsoft Teams
      3. Slack – is giving free upgrades.
  7. Cleaning – if you do need to maintain in person operations it is important to implement additional cleaning and disinfecting techniques to ensure a safe workplace.
  8. Supporting Small Businesses
    1. Restaurants: Continue to support our restaurants by buying gift certificates and ordering take-out and delivery.  This Twitter list has information regarding many restaurants status.
    2. Virtual Classes.  Classes are moving online.  If you have a class you signed up for elect for the online option.  This include gym and training sessions.  If you host such a class look into tools like Zoom or even Facebook / Instagram live.  Payments can be made via paypal or venmo.
  9. Well-being
    1. Preparing
    2. Signs and Symptoms
    3. Meditation and Mindfulness
    4. Exercise
    5. Eating
    6. Freebies and discounts during coronavirus
This content is for general educational purposes only and does not to provide any specific legal advice. By using this Site you understand that there is no attorney-client relationship between you and Trident Legal.  This information should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.